In Croatia, Kumrovec is mainly known as the birthplace of former president Tito. It is a small village in the hilly and rural region of Zagorje. As a memorial to Tito, an open-air museum has been created at the centre of the village – Museum ‘Staro Selo’ or the old village. It is the largest ethnographic open air museum in Croatia. It consists of a few streets with some 40 houses restored in authentic state. It is a very cosy, beautifully constructed museum and very nice to walk through and look at the old crafts, way of life and traditions of the past. There is a small cafe and souvenir shop and there is a spacious car park nearby.
Cycling- and hiking trails in the region
- A cycling trail that leads through this beautiful hillside landscape runs along the places Klanjec en Kumrovec , and a large part of the trails is in nearby Slovenia.
photo ©Pixabay antranias
- At Gupčevim krajem-Pasanska Gorica is a marked hiking and bicycle trail. The Tourist Board of Stubica has developed this well marked walking and cycling path at Gupčevim krajem-Pasanska Gorica. The roundabout trail is just 7 km long and passes through the villages
photo ©Pixabay_skeeze
Samci-Orehov Gorica-Pasansko Gorica-Banšćica. The route leads through a beautiful landscape and visits the monuments of the Farmers uprising and Matija Gupca, the Oršić Castle, the Museum of the farmers uprising and the Castle ‘mali Dvorac’. Recommended tour – Start at the monument of the farners uprising ‘Selinja Buni’ and Matija Gupca, drive along the one-way road next to Oršić Castle, at the first intersection turn right at Oreh Gorica. After a short ride, go down the hill and turn right at the cross-crucifix. At the next intersection, turn left in the direction of Pasanica Gorica. Drive along the straight road and enjoy the scenery. At the settlement of Pasan Gorica, drive towards Komini, turn right uphill, then follow directions to the right towards the private castle ‘mali dvorac’ or small Castle. Take the direction to Banšćica and turn left. Drive on the main road, all the way to the left turn, which leads again in the direction of Oršić Castle.
- A new website with many cycling trails in the region Zagorje has been published. The site describes 21 cycling routes in Zagorje with maps and detailed descriptions, and 2 cross-border routes.
- In the area of terme Tuhelj four walking trails are described here
- A cycling trail of 24 km starting in Kumrovec goes via the places – Gornji Škrnik – Ivanić Miljanaski – Desinić – Velinci – Kladnik – Kumrovec and is described here.
photo ©EMRE d.o.o.